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Few Great Reasons Make
You Choose us

  • India's first screenshot TV
    Introducing the first television with a screenshot facility. It's a way of taking a snapshot or picture of whatever is illustrating on your device's screen at that moment and you can refer to it later.
  • Telestone's Kindlink
    Our Telestone TV has a Kindlink feature that has made your screencasting easy! Now you can operate on TV what you are watching on your mobile if you have Telestone TV
  • All kinds of Entertainment in One Place
    Moviebox which have up to five thousand movies for your entertainment purpose. So explore through our Moviebox and enjoy your favourite movie with your friends and family!
  • Flexible Pricing
    Business is the activity of making on's living or making money by producing cumsociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis partu rient to montes. Aene an massa. cumsociis natoque penatibus.